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You feel like you’re watching a bad movie in slow motion. Your loved one's alcohol use has crossed the line and their life is unraveling before your eyes. And your life, too, to some extent. Slightly more than 10% of Americans have an alcohol use disorder, which is an alarmingly...
Grief is part of the human condition and fairly universal — it would be difficult to find someone who hasn’t experienced grief. While challenging under the best of circumstances, when grief becomes overwhelming and invades every aspect of your life, there are places to turn to for assistance. In this...
Sadness is part of life, and it would be a rare thing to find someone who hasn’t been sad from time to time. While sadness is part of the human condition, when it overwhelms your life, this emotion might have turned the corner into depression. Americans are no strangers to...
No matter what holiday you’re celebrating this season, the odds are you have a few events and gatherings to navigate. Regardless of the circumstances, challenges to how you cope might arise. You’re not alone — 89% of adults in the United States feel that the holidays negatively impact their mental...
At the time of this writing, the COVID-19 pandemic and its subsequent effects have been bearing down upon us all for a little over one year. While some have experienced its impact as an opportunity for growth, the vast majority of people I have come into contact with have encountered...
Self-care is a topic that can readily provoke cognitive dissonance (an internal conflict occurring when new knowledge contradicts an existing belief). On one hand, self-care is known to be important (Skovholt & Trotter-Mathison, 2014). Though it may be particularly essential for health care providers, self-care practices contribute to well-being for...
At a fundamental level, speaking and language have an immense impact on how we relate to others. In a previous article, I discussed the power of words, highlighting in particular the materiality and structuring power of language. Within these constructs, I presented words as both substantial (i.e., able to make...
Words are powerful. While this is not breaking news, there is often little consideration given to the effects of language and how it is used. Further, beyond one’s intentions in using certain words to communicate in a positive or negative manner, those words can be interpreted in radically different ways....
Have you ever had an experience that left you feeling frozen in fear? Perhaps there was an important decision to make, but the idea of choosing either path felt dizzying. To understand these types of experiences and what to do with them, it is essential to understand what makes a...
"One need not be a chamber to be haunted, one need not be a house; the brain has corridors surpassing material place" - Emily Dickinson In numerous cultures since antiquity, ghosts have captivated our attention. At present, from scaring children and adults on Halloween to televised paranormal investigations, the concept...